"Not, I devoutly hope, into the kind where we leap forward to a date at
wh(ich) space-travel has become as common & dull as tramways and
within that framework we get an ordinary spy-story, or wreck-story, or
love-story wh(ich) might as well, or better, be located in present-day
Hampstead." - C. S. Lewis
How about a long time ago in a galaxy far far away?
Judging by this trailer Rouge One is a rather generic espionage thriller. Does the fact that it takes place in that rather quaint galaxy really bring anything significant to the table? I mean, if you want to watch AT-ATs shooting at stuff devoid of content, there is always Battlefront.
The essence of Star Wars is light-sabers, the Force and of course, John William scores. unfortunately this film does not seem to have any of those. oh yes, there will probably be a few classic themes mixed in there and we will probably get a cameo of Darth Vader but is that really worth making a whole movie for?
I am not saying I wont watch it, probably will, just out of curiosity as to how it opens...there is obviously not much suspense as to how it ends. But how much about this galaxy do we really want to know? How many gritty details can we consume before the wonder begins to fade? The mundane and rustic elements in the episodes - cleaning gunk out of droids or fixing diner in a make shift kitchen in a wrecked AT-AT - are there to contrast the mythic themes and fantastical elements that follow them. However, if we binge ourselves on ordinary and commonplace of that world (even if it involves a lot of shooting and explosions) how can the mythic and fantastical not become as strange and out of place there as it seems to our own daily lives in this galaxy? And then, will there really be any reason to make the trip?