Monday, September 24, 2007

Call your Senators and Representatives and tell them to denounce Reactionary Weekly

General David Howell Petraeus has kind of a funny last name and I find it rather hard to believe that are the first to ever poke a bit of fun at it. I also doubt that Mr. Petraeus got to be a full blown General by being thin skinned. If you were looking for anything but tacky tasteless gags from MoveOn, then you are obviously intellectually challenged or…well I guess there is no "or". However, you might expect, or at least hope, they’d try something at least less obvious.
Fox News seems to think they should be denounced. Perhaps they should.
Perhaps they should be denounced for being lazy and hackish and filling the public discourse with meaningless tripe. There are plenty of good arguments to be made about the US deployment in Iraq, MoveOn's ad made none of them. General Petraeus is soldier who takes orders, and to that existent, he is a good soldier. President Bush is a head of state, who cannot possibly tell us everything he knows.
TNYT and MoveOn on the other hand are privet institutions, they could have actually said something meaningful and they chose to make a silly joke instead.
So who exactly has betrayed us?

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