Friday, February 29, 2008

More of Our Exclusive Interview with A. L. Brackett!

RW: One of the main functions of the House of Representatives is to raise revenue, what sort of tax plan would you vote for?

A. L. Brackett: It would have to be a complete overhaul; all current taxes should be done away with and replaced with a Distributist system.

RW: How would that work?

A. L. Brackett: Well, a revenue tariff would be fine and of course all corporate property would be taxed. I could also go along with an excess personal property tax but the personal exemption would have to be fairly high, at least forty acres.

RW: And a mule?

A. L. Brackett: (laughs) Perhaps the modern equivalent, some sort of motorized vehicle, one per person should do.

RW: Could such a plain be revenue neutral?

A. L. Brackett: It could be, but I do not think it should be. The federal government is taking in much more money then it should for its constitutionally mandated function. The federal budget should be about half what it is now.

RW: So what are your thoughts on the war in Iraq?

A. L. Brackett: Obviously it was a mistake, what to do about it now is not really my concern because I am not running for president.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Reactionary Weekly Exclusive!

A. L. Brackett announces his candidate for Arizona’s first congressional district and Reactionary Weekly has an exclusive interview.

RW: First off, why do you want to represent this district in congress?

A. L. Brackett: Well, first off, I don’t! But I want someone who is devoted to the principles of legitimate government to do so, and so far it looks like it is up to me.

RW: Do you really think this district wants a radical revolutionary like yourself, rather than a traditional “bring home the earmarks” kind of guy?

A. L. Brackett: Last I checked “this district” was not registered to vote. The people who are can decide for themselves.

More of our exclusive interview with A. L. Brackett coming soon! And feel free to submit your own questions via the comment function below.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Raiders of the Empty Box

If there were a Gorge Lucas talking doll, nine times out of ten when you pulled the string it would probably say “think outside the box”*.
Ironically the fact that he needs to repeat this phrase so much indicates it is not something he actually does.
In preparation for the upcoming film, Indiana Jones and the The Kingdome of the Crystal Scull. I decided to watch the bonus material disc for the Indiana Jones “trilogy”.
As I did so one thing became clear to me, Gorge Lucas has not lost his touch; but rather it seems more likely that he never had much real talent to begin with. The script for “Raiders” was written by a mirepoix in which it seems Lucas was the celery. The film was directed by Spielberg, the character was realized by Ford, and John Williams gave Indy his most enduring quality. Even Jones’ name (probably Lucas’ most significant contribution to the project) was not entirely his creation.
Lucas does have a real talent for marketing and promoting…especially himself. The problem came when he actually began to believe his own propaganda. He actually started believing he was the one producing the cinematic art. Instead of surrounding himself with truly brilliant talent, who could turn his barest husk of an idea (which he had probably raided from some comic book or cereal any way) and turn it into something worth watching over and over again. He began surrounding himself with yes-men, trained seals, honking and clapping at his insipid drivel for their lousy peace of fish. As a result very little true art has come out of Lucasfilm since "Raiders" and I expect none from the new film. But no matter how empty Lucas' art box may be, there is another box he never thinks outside of, the box-office. I am sure that, thanks to Lucas' true talent, that box will be full.

*The other 1/10 would probably be “poodoo”.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Rushing to Judgment

Well John McCain seems well on his way to winning the Republican nomination, and this has "conservative" talk show host Rush Limbaugh a little upset. It seems some people think John McCain has the best chance at beating Hillary Clinton. Mr. Limbaugh seems rather perplexed by this strategy; he does not seem to think there is much difference between Senators McCain and Clinton. And I suppose this means that for once there is something that Mr. Limbaugh and I agree on.