Friday, February 29, 2008

More of Our Exclusive Interview with A. L. Brackett!

RW: One of the main functions of the House of Representatives is to raise revenue, what sort of tax plan would you vote for?

A. L. Brackett: It would have to be a complete overhaul; all current taxes should be done away with and replaced with a Distributist system.

RW: How would that work?

A. L. Brackett: Well, a revenue tariff would be fine and of course all corporate property would be taxed. I could also go along with an excess personal property tax but the personal exemption would have to be fairly high, at least forty acres.

RW: And a mule?

A. L. Brackett: (laughs) Perhaps the modern equivalent, some sort of motorized vehicle, one per person should do.

RW: Could such a plain be revenue neutral?

A. L. Brackett: It could be, but I do not think it should be. The federal government is taking in much more money then it should for its constitutionally mandated function. The federal budget should be about half what it is now.

RW: So what are your thoughts on the war in Iraq?

A. L. Brackett: Obviously it was a mistake, what to do about it now is not really my concern because I am not running for president.

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