Friday, August 31, 2007

My Fellow Star Wars Fan*

As the small number of people who watch Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday and the even smaller number of people who watch Bill Moyers on PBS already know, there is a bit of a spat going on between the two. One might suppose that this rather silly business is just a collusive attempt to cannibalize each other’s audience, but I doubt either would care much for that adventure.
To call Chris Wallace a bad journalist, is of course unfair. It would imply that he is a journalist, when he is actually a talk show host. And as talk show hosts go he is pretty good. Bill Moyers however, is a bad journalist. Not because he does not check his sources, but because his sources are irrelevant, because what he writes about is irrelevant. Does anyone care that Karl Rove is an agnostic? Is anyone shocked! SHOKED! That he stitched together a coalition to gain political power and influence? No.
Moyer’s article is not only transparent it is sloppy. Moyer starts by telling us that he and Rove are both from the great state of Texas. Other than that they are both apparently unable to pronounce a long vowel sound at the end of a word I fail to see what this has to do with anything. But Moyer’s purpose here seems to be to establish the pretence that this article is about Rove. If Moyer had wanted us to believe the article was actually about Rove, I am sure he could have come up with something interesting or at least relevant to tell us about him. He did not. Instead Moyer uses Rove in a poorly executed gambit in order to attack his real target, people who believe in God. It is these who bear the brunt of Moyer scorn, since of course they are all just stupid dupes willing to follow anyone who waves a Bible in front of them. Rove on the other hand is not accused of actually believing in an authoritative Creator Who can say “Thou shalt” or “Thou shalt not”, he is even presumptively awarded the honor of “intellectual honesty”. His only real “sin” it would seem, is associating with those silly Christians.

*This is the only thing that I am aware of that Moyer and I have in common.

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