Friday, January 11, 2008

If You Say So

Have I nothing better to do than point out all the nonsense Professor Dawkins has to say when ever he gets on the telly? Well yes, actually I do. But if Dawkins insists on getting on the telly and saying it then I suppose I should do my part and point out that it is largely nonsense.
Recently Professor Dawkins was on a programme called "Have your say". The programme of course featured the usual suspects, things like who kills more people, theists or atheist, and other such drivel no thinking person cares about. Then of course Prof. Dawkins has to go through his rigmarole, comparing God to fairies and the lock ness monster because one cannot prove they do not exists, but there is no positive evidence that they do. Some might consider this a straw man, but I do not think such a comparison is even relevant enough for that. However Prof. Dawkins did say something interesting at the end. He said that he thinks the question of whether or not God exists is "very important". Does he consider the question of whether Nessy or Tinkerbell exists equally "important"?

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